So,habe eben den Rappel bekommen und mich einfach dran gesetzt.
Schaut mal ob jemand der Meinung ist,daß man irgendwo noch verbessern oder umformulieren müsste.
Let´s start at the beginning.How did your carreer as a musician start and what did you do previous to it.Who was your teacher ?
Can you recount the stations of your musical carreer for us ?
What gave you the inspiration,to write music for computers ?
What instruments do you play ?
What was your first work for a Video-/computer game ?
You often cooperate with other musicians.Is there someone you would like to have the opportunity to work with ?
What where the most bizarre things,that you experienced during your carreer ?
What do you rememberespecially about composing on the Amiga ?
There is hardly a genre you have not tried out yet.Whould you like to compose classic music somtimes ? Perhaps a symphony ?
What led you to the idea to write irish folk music an wellnes music (soothe) ?
Wich of your albums are you especially proud of ?
Is there an album you did,that you wouldn´t do the same way today ?
How does your typical work day look ?
What kind of music do you listen to yourself ?
Can you try to explain your creative process while composing to us ?
Do you play videogames.Perhaps emulations of old games ?
Are there any new game soundtracks planned ?
What do you think about retro-fanatics like us ? Cool people,or lunatics ?
What project are you working at in these days ?
Thank you for the Interview Bjorn.We wish you well for your further live and carreer.