Hab' die Tage mal wieder in einige Episoden von
Monty Python's Flying Circus reingeschaut!!
Wie geil ist das denn?
Jeden Sketch schon hundert mal gesehen und ich könnte mich trotzdem noch jedes mal wegschmeissen vor Lachen...
Kennt Ihr den noch?
Inspector Tiger: Now, alduce me to introlow myself. I'm sorry. Alself me to myduce introlow. Introme tolose mylow alself. Alme to you introself mylowduce. Excuse me a moment.
[bangs himself on the head]Inspector Tiger: Allow me to introduce myself. I'm afried I must ask that no-one leave the room. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Inspector Tiger.
All: Tiger?
Inspector Tiger: [jumps] Where? Where? What? Ah. Me Tiger. You Jane.
[growl]Inspector Tiger: Beg your pardon, allow me to introduce myself, I'm afraid I must ask that no-one leave the room.
Lady Velloper: Why not?
Inspector Tiger: Elementary. Since the body was found in this room, and no-one has left it. Therefore... the murderer must be somebody in this room.
Colonel Pickering: What body?
Inspector Tiger: Somebody. In this room. Must the murderer be. The murderer of the body is somebody in this room, which nobody must leave... leave the body in the room not to be left by anybody. Nobody leaves anybody or the body with somebody. Everybody who is anybody shall leave the body in the roombody. Take the tablets Tiger. Anybody with a body but not the body is nobody. Nobody leaves the body in the...
[takes a tablet]Inspector Tiger: Albody me introbody albodyduce.
[a surgeon and two nurses enter with saws and lay Tiger down on the table. The same drawing room, one lobotomy later, Tiger's head is bandaged]Surgeon: Now for Sir Gerald.
[exit]Inspector Tiger: That's better. Now I'm Inspector Tiger and I must ask that nobody leave the room.
[gives thumbs up to the surgeon]Inspector Tiger: Now someone has committed a murder here, and that murderer is someone in this room. The question is... who?
Colonel Pickering: Look, there hasn't been a murder.
Inspector Tiger: No murder?
All: No.
Inspector Tiger: Oh, I don't like it. It's too simple, too clear cut. I'd better wait.
[sits]Inspector Tiger: No, too simple, too clear cut.
[lights out, a scream, and a shot. Tiger is dead with a poison bottle in his hand, an arrow through his neck, and a bullet in his head]Colonel Pickering: By jove, he was right!
Der Sketch geht dann etwa noch fünf mal so lang weiter mit immer neuen Inspektoren, die den Fall untersuchen, bis ein ganzer Berg Leichen im Raum liegt...
Oder der hier:
Toastmaster: Gentlemen, pray silence for the President of the Royal Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things.
Sir William: Thank you, gentlemen. The year has been a good one for the society. This year, our members have put more things on top of other things than ever before. But I should warn you, this is no time for complacency. No, there are still many things, and I cannot emphasize this too strongly, *not on top of other things.* I myself, on my way here, saw a thing that was not on top of another thing in any way.
[cries of "shame!']Sir William: Shame indeed. But we must not allow ourselves to become too despondent. For we must never forget that if there was not one thing that was not on top of another thing, our society would be nothing more than a meaningless body of men that had gathered together for no good purpose. But we flourish. This year our Australasian members and the various organisations affiliated to our Australasian branches put no fewer than twenty-two things on top of other things.
[applause]Sir William: Well done all of you. But there is one cloud on the horizon. In this last year our Staffordshire branch has not succeeded in putting one thing on top of another.
[more cries of "shame!]Sir William: Therefore I call upon our Staffordshire delegate to explain this weird behaviour.
Cutler: [timidly] Er, Cutler, Staffordshire. Um... well... Mr Chairman, it's just that most of the members in Staffordshire feel... the whole thing's a bit... silly.
[cries of outrage]Sir William: Silly? SILLY?
[pauses and thinks]Sir William: Silly! I suppose it is, a bit. What have we been doing wasting our lives with all this nonsense? Right, meeting adjourned for ever.
Oder wer erinnert sich nicht noch an das "Ministry Of Silly Walks"...
Mann, die hatten dermaßen geile Einfälle, sowas gab's nie wieder. Der britische Humor ist einfach der Beste. Mit Abstand.
Hat wer von Euch diese beiden deutschsprachigen Folgen (1971 und 1972) gesehen? Hab' die mal vor Jahren zufällig auf irgendeinem dritten Sender entdeckt und das ist im Komödienfach das Beste, was ich je gesehen habe. Die Pythons haben alle ihre Texte selbst in Deutsch gesprochen, ohne allerdings auch nur ein Wort davon zu verstehen und die Sketche sind einfach nur legendär (das Fußballspiel der Philosophen...
Haben wir übrigens Alfred Biolek zu verdanken, der hatte die Truppe 1970 entdeckt und konnte sie überreden, zwei Folgen für das deutsche bzw. österreichische Fernsehen zu produzieren. Bio rules.