neues WinUAE :-)

Begonnen von Elvis, 08.01.2005, 11:48

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ZitatNew features:

- New very low latency VSync mode, autodetects real refresh rate, no more 100% CPU usage, supports also windowed modes. (Not compatible with fastest possible CPU modes but planned in future)
- Experimental rawinput joystick/joypad support. (-rawhid command line parameter) Added because DirectInput is said to introduce some extra input lag.


- Real cause for Max Transfer IDE problem found. IDE emulation detects and logs it now.
- CD image audio buffer increased slightly, some systems had glitches in CD audio.
- Non-configured joystick/mouse autoswitch update: short firebutton press or move left = insert into joystick port, longer press or move right = insert into mouse port.
- Add Harddrive option does not require Administrator privileges anymore, most removable drives can be used without higher privileges, at least under Windows 7.

Bug fixes:

- IDE emulation write hang introduced in 2.3.2.
- A590/A2091 emulation crash if CPU was 68020+.
- On the fly CD switching (both images and real CDs) reliability improved.
- Direct3D blank screen problem is now 100% fixed. Really.
- win32.hardfile_path didn't work.
- On the fly resolution change didn't work correctly, resolution autoswitch improved.
- Key or joystick button mapped to mouse direction didn't work.
- Analog stick mapped to mouse had too fast and unstable speed.

and more..

Rollenspiel Experte Cassidy meint: "Ich stehe sogar nachts auf und zocke Dragon Age Origins im Kettenhemd am PC."
Rektum hat keinen Arsch in der Hose!
Herr Planetfall ist ein moderner Kaspar Hauser.
Greg weiß nix!


WinUAE 2.4.0

ZitatWinUAE 2.4.0 finally released (29.03.2012)

New features:

- VSync supported in fastest possible CPU and JIT modes, complete rewrite, fast, 100% jitter free.
- Built-in CD filesystem. Full Amiga CD compatibility, including audio tracks and Amiga Rock Ridge extension, without need for manually installed CDFS, completely replaces old CD option that mounted CD drives as read-only harddrives. NOTE: CD device names renamed to standard CDx: (Old was WinCD_x:)
- Commodore A2024 monitor emulation. (1024*1024 grayscale monitor)
- Individual Computers Graffiti emulation.
- PCMCIA IDE hardfile emulation.
- USB game controller low latency raw input mode is now the default. (Mouse and keyboard support was already implemented long time ago) Windows Vista and newer only. Custom input mappings may need resetting.
- PC keyboard mode, keys like home, end, pageup, pagedown etc are mapped to Amiga key codes.
- Input configuration qualifier key/button support. Any key or button can be configured as a qualifier and other key mappings can be configured to require one or more active qualifiers.


- Programmed screen modes (DBLPAL, Multiscan etc..) display positioning and setup greatly improved.
- Performance improved in fastest possible CPU without JIT mode.
- Performance greatly improved when immediate blitter and fastest possible CPU is enabled and program does lots of small blits.
- Gayle IDE emulation IDE doubler mode compatibility improved.
- Sound syncronization updates, much more stable with VSync. (more updates planned in future)
- Fastest possible CPU mode audio glitch prevention hack updated. (WHDLoad IK+, Moonstone, Uridium II, etc..)
- Added pause emulation/disable sound option to active but mouse uncaptured state.
- RTG emulation optional ZorroII mode.
- UAE harddrive controller RDB harddrive "Do not mount" and "Bootable" options supported.
- Interlace mode handling and switching improved.
- Interlaced fields are matched in vsync modes if both Amiga mode and output device mode are interlaced.
- Lots more options can be modified on the fly using uae-configuration.
- Multiple display adapter/multiple monitor selection and support improved.
- GUI sound buffer range adjusted, non-linear scale, more smaller buffer sizes selectable.
- Joystick/mouse autoswitch also enabled in Input panel non-GamePorts mode.
- Native code execution disabled by default. Enable option in Miscellaneous panel.
- CPU Idle automatic limit added, no more slowdowns if it is set too low.
- Keyboard emulation improved, properly emulated handshake and lost sync state.

Bugs fixed:

- uaenet.device crash if opened without installed winpcap.
- Startup crash if more than 8 serial ports detected.
- Random hangs when switching cycle-exact mode on the fly.
- CD image/physical media change on the fly didn't always trigger notification correctly.
- Lots of bsdsocket emulation compatibility and multi-thread stability fixes (YAM hangs fixed)
- Directory filesystem reported file size was not updated until file was closed.
- Directory filesystem host-side memory leak fix.
- Some Advanced Chipset options were not correctly overridden in compatibility mode.
- Mouse input stopping working randomly after returning emulation from GUI.
- Emulated middle mouse button got stuck in rawinput mode if middle button was set to untrap mouse.
- Detect and fix bad configuration options when using uae-configuration, for example it was possible to enable both cycle-exact and JIT at the same time causing frozen emulation.
- Rare cycle-exact mode interrupt timing issue. (Guardian Dragon II / Kefrens random hang)
- Some minimized/inactive/active switching issues.
- Directory harddrives configured as unbootable still booted normally under KS 1.3.
- Windows dialogs (not GUI or file dialogs) were invisible in fullscreen Direct3D mode.

and much more...
Rollenspiel Experte Cassidy meint: "Ich stehe sogar nachts auf und zocke Dragon Age Origins im Kettenhemd am PC."
Rektum hat keinen Arsch in der Hose!
Herr Planetfall ist ein moderner Kaspar Hauser.
Greg weiß nix!


WinUAE 2.5.0 released (02.12.2012)

New features and updates:

- GUI is finally fully resizeable! GUI font is configurable.
- GUI position, size and fonts saved separately for windowed, fullwindow and fullscreen modes.
- GUI CD audio volume control added.
- Syncronize clock option does full time sync when emulation is unpaused or exited from GUI.
- Memory configuration can be fully modified (on the fly, loading state file or using Restart button)
  without need to rerun the emulator.
- RTG screenshot and video recording directly from emulated VRAM if capture before filtering ticked.
- RTG monitor (if multiple monitors) selection added to GUI.
- RTG hardware sprite and hardware vblank emulation are now optional.
- Chipset "Wait for Blitter" too fast CPU workaround added, enabled by default, fixes most graphics
  glitches if program does not wait for the blitter, more compatible than immediate blitter.
- Optional fake 1G directory harddrive size limit for old programs that think drive is full or has
  negative space if drive is bigger than 2G. Can be changed on the fly.
- Added disable notification icon option.
- Added blank unused displays(s) (opens full screen topmost black window(s)) option.
- CD32 CD controller emulation improved (Missing Guardian and Universe CD32 CD audio)
- AutoVSync 100Hz/120Hz capable monitor support added.
- Low latency vsync and legacy vsync stability improved.
- Full PC hardware interlaced mode support.
- 68060 missing integer instructions are not anymore emulated if more compatible CPU checkbox is checked.
- Chipset emulation improvements. (EyeQlazer/Scoopex, Blerkenwiegel/Scoopex, No Way Demo/Academy,
  Brian the Lion AGA, SuperPlus monitor mode)
- Sometimes appearing Windows "no disk in drive" dialogs that point to missing harddrive path are gone.
- Audio emulation quality improved.
- Parallel port sampler emulation audio quality improved.
- GamePorts panel remap option allows separate axis configuration and multiple events.
- Game Ports panel Test mode can be used to test any kind of input event, not just joystick events.
- Lots of Input panel improvements. (qualifiers, custom events etc)
- Easy to use debug logging option added to Paths panel.
- Optional MIDI In to Out routing added.
- 64-bit build supports 2.5G address space, allowing up to 2G of Z3 expansion memory.

2.4.x bugs fixed:

- Add Harddrive dialog didn't list all harddrives on some Windows XP systems.
- New CDFS didn't work with DVDs (2G size limit) and Joliet CDs.
- Extended ADF write support was accidentally disabled.
- "ALT-TAB or middle mouse button untraps mouse - F12 opens settings" window title was missing.
- Directory filesystem 64-bit seek packet implementation was broken.
- USB HID game controller [-] and
  • input axis movement was broken.
    - SPTI + built-in CDFS crash.
    - uaescsi.device error codes fixed (MakeCD)

    Older bugs fixed:

    - RTG palette (if 8-bit mode) wasn't saved to statefile.
    - Disable screen saver option haven't worked properly since 2.0.
    - Warp mode didn't work in all vsync modes.
    - CD image mounter MDS image CD audio tracks didn't play if subchannel data was not included,
      MDS image data tracks with subchannel data didn't work at all.
    - CD/CD image on the fly switching was unreliable. (Again)
    - Random unexplained graphics glitches when cycle-exact CPU enabled and bsdsocket emulation was in use.
    - Some chipset mode on the fly configuration changes caused blank screen when returning back to RTG mode.
    - Volume control in WASAPI exclusive mode didn't work.
    - Windows XP blank screen after ALT-TAB back to Direct3D fullscreen mode.
    - Direct3D pixel alignment errors in some modes. (Again)
    - Many Input configuration fixes.
    - Windows Mouse mouse mode sometimes stopped at invisible barriers.
    - CD32 CD audio was delayed.
Rollenspiel Experte Cassidy meint: "Ich stehe sogar nachts auf und zocke Dragon Age Origins im Kettenhemd am PC."
Rektum hat keinen Arsch in der Hose!
Herr Planetfall ist ein moderner Kaspar Hauser.
Greg weiß nix!


Könnte mir jemand erklären wie unter WinUAE eine Festplatte erzeuge? Eine Erklärung zum installieren der Spiele wäre auch noch hilfreich.  :)


F12 für das Menü
Dann im Hard Drives Tab auf "Add hardfile" drücken
Danach unten neben "Create" die gewünschte Festplattengröße in MB angeben und auf Create drücken.

Ich nehme erstmal an kein WHDLoad, sondern Amiga Spiele die einen ganz normalen Amiga DOS Installer haben. Du mußt zuerst in WinUAE ein Amiga OS installieren. Vorzugsweise >Workbench 1.3, da die doch zu rudimentär ist. Dementsprechend sollte auch die Amiga Konfiguration aussehen. Mindestens einen Amiga 500+, besser noch einen Amiga 1200. Die passenden Amiga Kickstarts solltest du aber parat haben.

Die erstellte virtuelle Amiga Festplatte, ein .hdf Image, musst du bei der Erstellung deiner Amiga+Festplatten Konfiguration als DH0 bei Device einstellen. Bei Path natürlich den Pfad zur virtuellen Festplatte setzen. Wenn du die Installationsdiskette deiner Workbench (2.X für einen Amiga 500+ bzw 3.X für einen Amiga 1200) bootest muss die erstellte Festplatte mit Quickformat noch formatiert werden. Dazu das Festplatten DH0 Icon (sollte NoDOS hinterstehen) einmal anklicken und mit Maus rechtsklick -> Icons -> Format Disk -> Quickformat formatieren. Danach kannst du das Installationsprogramm der Workbench starten und das Amiga OS Installieren.

Wie die Spiele, die eine HD-Installation haben, installiert werden dürfte ja klar sein. Die Diskettenimages ins virtuelle Floppylaufwerk legen und auf das HD-Install (oder wie auch immer genannt) Icon klicken und der Anleitung folgen. Beim Installationspfad dann DH0: angeben, da dies die Partiton/Festplatte ist, die oben erstellt wurde. Selbstverständlich kannst du weitere HDF Images erstellen und als DH1-DHX in WinUAE anmelden.
Rollenspiel Experte Cassidy meint: "Ich stehe sogar nachts auf und zocke Dragon Age Origins im Kettenhemd am PC."
Rektum hat keinen Arsch in der Hose!
Herr Planetfall ist ein moderner Kaspar Hauser.
Greg weiß nix!


Ganz großes Kino. Danke!  :worship:


Hast noch eine PN.  ;)
Rollenspiel Experte Cassidy meint: "Ich stehe sogar nachts auf und zocke Dragon Age Origins im Kettenhemd am PC."
Rektum hat keinen Arsch in der Hose!
Herr Planetfall ist ein moderner Kaspar Hauser.
Greg weiß nix!


Funkt alles wunderbar.  :oben:


Schön zu hören. Dann teste mal ordentlich Spiele aus.  :)
Rollenspiel Experte Cassidy meint: "Ich stehe sogar nachts auf und zocke Dragon Age Origins im Kettenhemd am PC."
Rektum hat keinen Arsch in der Hose!
Herr Planetfall ist ein moderner Kaspar Hauser.
Greg weiß nix!

Herr Planetfall

Der erste Grund für eine Amiga-Festplatte.
Anna L. hat keinen Geschmack.


Und Ambermoon war auch der Grund.  :D

Herr Planetfall

Alle guten Menschen wissen das. :engel
Anna L. hat keinen Geschmack.


WinUAE 2.6.0 (16.05.2013)

New features:

- Full 68030, 68040 and 68060 MMU emulation. Amix, Linux, NetBSD, Enforcer, WHDLoad MMU option and more fully working.
- Game Ports panel Remap GUI rewritten, more intuitive, supports manually added events.
- SCSI and ATAPI (IDE) CD drive emulation.
- Built-in full CHD CD and HD image support. HD image support is read-only.
- Partial partition hardfile on the fly eject/replacement support, requires filesystem that has removable drive support.
- Multiple Direct3D shader filters can be enabled simultaneously, optionally shader can be now run after scaling and filtering.
- Directory filesystem shortcut (.lnk) and symbolic links are mapped to Amiga soft links.
- Added support for mountlist-like hardfile configuration files.
- 100Hz+ vsync mode black frame insertion support, reduces LCD motion blur.


- A590/A2091/A3000 SCSI emulation compatibility improved. (Amix, NetBSD etc..)
- A2065 network adapter compatibility improved. (Early NetBSD versions)
- Multithreaded IDE and SCSI emulation, slow read or write operations won't temporarily pause the emulation anymore.
- When CPU double faults, emulated CPU is halted instead of forcing instant emulated hardware reset.
- Custom chipset emulation improved.
- Full Amiga file timestamp resolution (1/50s) support on FAT directory filesystems.
- Max supported resolution increased to 8192*8192 (NV Surround/AMD Eyefinity)
- CD32 CD detection works again in JIT mode.
- AROS ROM replacement updated.

Bug fixes:

- If display mode switched from RTG to native (or vice versa) and WinUAE window had no focus: emulation incorrectly started receiving keyboard input.
- 1.5M chip ram option didn't work.
- GamePorts panel Swap Ports button cleared custom mappings.
- 68060 CPU and More compatible checked was unreliable.
- 68040/68060 no FPU/FPU disabled exception stack frame fixed.
- A2024 and Graffiti emulation memory leak fixed.
- FPU rounding mode was reset when using filters.
- Some USB game controllers had ghost events (move axis, button event is triggered or vice versa)
- CD32 CDs with multiple tracks didn't boot.

And much more.
Rollenspiel Experte Cassidy meint: "Ich stehe sogar nachts auf und zocke Dragon Age Origins im Kettenhemd am PC."
Rektum hat keinen Arsch in der Hose!
Herr Planetfall ist ein moderner Kaspar Hauser.
Greg weiß nix!


Ich verstehe gar nicht, das man WIN UAE immer weiterverbessern kann. Es ist wohl einer der besten Emulatoren, die es gibt!


Ich habe heute mal probiert, die beste Darstellungsqualität bei dem neuesten WINUAE hinzubekommen. Das heisst Vollbild mit Scanlines. Vollbild bekomme ich in Display mit "Full-Windowed" 1024x768 und bei Filter "Automatic Scale", sowie unter Aspect Ratio Correction "128:75".

Ich habe allerdings nur einmal dieses typische Amiga-Monitor bild mit diesen herrlichen Scanlines bekommen.

Wie kann ich das reproduzieren?????? Gibt es irgendwo ne Seite mit zig Konfigs?