Der "Ich höre gerade.." Thread

Begonnen von -Stephan-, 09.01.2010, 09:40

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 6 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.


Ich höre gerade das neue Gamma Ray-Album "Empire of the undead" hoch und runter. Ganz nett, doch, und auch ein paar Instant Classics (Avalon als Opener einfach toll, Master of Confusion geht gut los, Seven ist mein Lieblingstitel). Es ist auf jeden Fall ein lohnenswerter Kauf.
Lieben Gruß

"If there's more than one way to do a job and one of those ways will end in disaster, then somebody will do it that way. "


Echt ? War von denen "Seeräuber-Opa Fabian" ?
Sag deinem Sohn, ich bringe sie wieder mit, wenn ich euch das nächste mal besuchen komme.


Ich mach heute mal einen auf Hippie:
(is mir doch egal wenn ihr kein spotify habt)

Lyrics mal eben rausgeschrieben (und dann nochmal von nem Kumpel und Mutti gegenhören lassen), weil im Inet nicht vorhanden:
ZitatEwan McColl, Peggy Seeger - Nuclear Means Jobs

We're told that in this scientific age
we're priviliged to be alive
some folks disagree
they look depressed and say that we'
'll be lucky to survive
so the great debate goes on
while they discuss the pros and cons
of nuclear energy,
the bomb and all that jive
but still unknown
the fact remains
that in spite
of all the dangers
there are gains
and many sci-
entific nobs
agree that nuclear energy means jobs

if you keep an open mind
examine all the facts you'll find
that it is true
misses thatcher says so
and the clever chaps who
run the ETU
all the smart, fast talking smoothies
and the CEGB groupies and the monkies
in the british nuclear suite
they never lie
they're always right
their conscience says it crystal clear,
whiter than white,
they're working for
the underdog,
there's no doubt that nuclear energy means jobs.

they need uranium miners,
architects and plant designers,
quantity surveyors,
doz of drivers and plate layers
hordes of navvies will be here
there'll be chippies, brickies, slaters,
grab and pick crane operators
and the skyhook lads who seem to have no fear.
and when the plant
is finished
then they'll all be signing on the dole again.
Reactors don't
need all this mob,
"a couple 'a dozen hands can do the job".

if the pressurized reactor blows its top
and radioactive clouds are looming overhead
and for 50 miles around the towns
and villages are silent, glowing red
there'll be jobs for undertakers,
statisticians, coffin makers
and demographers to estimate the dead.
and there'll be jobs for those who're saved,
like scraping dead folks off the walls and digging graves.
and you can work in factory trained
at making plastic bags for our remains.

can you use a pen or pencil
are you handy with a stencil
have you fled?
you may be put to painting
warning signs that say "Keep out! Beware!".
can you lie and still look truthful?
can you look both wise and youthful?
can you sound sincere when talking
on the air?
but you don't need
a sense of shame
just do the job and say you're not to blame.
and you can still
convince the slobs
that "nuclear" is another word for "jobs".

the biggest and the most
enduring source for jobs
will surely always be
plutonium atoms buried deep
beneath the land and sea.
it will mean your children's children
and their children's children's children
will be lumbered with responsibility.
they'll spend their lives
guarding the rods
which proves that nuclear energy means jobs.
tread carefully
and live in fear,
this job will last a quarter million years.


Gestern während der Autofahrt im Deutschlandfunk ein hochinteressantes, einstündiges Feature über Karl Bartos, 15 Jahre lang Mitglied bei Kraftwerk, und dabei dann das hier gehört:

Gefällt mir sehr, besser als viele neue Kraftwerk-Stücke! Nun, und daher höre ich das auch jetzt gerade wieder.


Und nochmal, yeah! Voll dreibeinige-Herrscher-mäßig!

Ja grizem, žderem, režim, derem,
Njušim, stenjem, jedem, serem,
Ja lajem, džaram, sisam, karam...
U licu vošten, u duši - pošten!

Ja sam pit bull - terijer,
Ja sam, mala, pit bull – terijer!


Gehört schon eine ganze Weile zu meinen Favoriten. ERP! Top! Zusammen mit Hardfloor nochmal eine ganz spezielle Mischung. :oben:


Das Ding dudelt momentan x-mal am Tag ... einfach klasse!
Lieben Gruß

"If there's more than one way to do a job and one of those ways will end in disaster, then somebody will do it that way. "


Zitat von: GregBradley in 02.06.2014, 21:41
Und nochmal, yeah! Voll dreibeinige-Herrscher-mäßig!
ZUmal auch das Atomium den dreibeinigen Herrschern nicht unähnlich sieht. Oder umgekehrt, wie man es halt nimmt.

Ja grizem, žderem, režim, derem,
Njušim, stenjem, jedem, serem,
Ja lajem, džaram, sisam, karam...
U licu vošten, u duši - pošten!

Ja sam pit bull - terijer,
Ja sam, mala, pit bull – terijer!


Pornos geben jungen Menschen eine falsche Vorstellung davon wie schnell man einen Termin beim Handwerker bekommt.



The Ryans - Lall Tighe
Mal eben Lyrics rausgeschrieben. Hoffentlich sind nicht zu viele Tippfehler drin :lol:
I am a handsome rover,
Lall Tighe is my name.
I was born and bred in old Westmeath,
from Barradrum I hail.
' Court the girls in every town,
I treat them all the same
and when it's time to leave them,
I hear this whole refrain:

Oh, Lall Tighe,
you've a rovin' eye,
you have a roguish 'mile,
your lips are blessed with Blarney,
but your courtin's Dublin style.
You could win the heart of any girl,
who was ever in your arms,
not a'one amongst them
could resist your Irish charm.

When first there was
this country girl,
"beef to the heels" you know?
At the ploughin' she'd beat any man,
at the courtin' she was slow.
So I took her for a randle:
she sat upon my knee;
and as the hours whiled away,
she said these words to me:

Oh, Lall Tighe,
you've a rovin' eye,
you have a roguish 'mile,
your lips are blessed with Blarney,
but your courtin's Dublin style.
Oh you'd win the heart of any girl,
that sat upon your knee,
I hope you take me off with you
and married we will be.

Then I met that girl
in the county Cork,
swimming in the nude.
I walked down to the water's edge,
to tell her she was rude.
The water was inviting,
so crystal-clear the sea;
Well, I jumped in right beside her,
then she said these words to me:

Oh, Lall Tighe,
you've a rovin' eye,
you have a roguish 'mile,
your lips are blessed with Blarney,
but your courtin's Dublin style.
But you'd win the heart of any girl,
the went swimming in the sea,
I'd like to see some more of you,
you've seen so much of me.

Then I met that city girl,
down by the Liffey side,
she winked at me, as she passed by
her feelings not to hide.
I threw me arms around her,
her tiny waist I found;
With a look of glee
she said to me:
"I'm yours for 40 pound."

Oh, Lall Tighe,
you've a rovin' eye,
you have a roguish 'mile,
your lips are blessed with Blarney,
but your courtin's Dublin style.
Well you'd win the heart of any girl,
whatever she may be,
but now you must remember:
Not all of them are free.

But now I am a wiser man,
the wild oats have been sown
and I've lost me heart to Bridget
at the dancehall in Rathowen
As I threw me arms around her,
at the closin' of each day,
sure I can't help but remember,
what those other girls would say:

[C5:]Oh, Lall Tighe,
you've a rovin' eye,
you have a roguish 'mile,
your lips are blessed with Blarney,
but your courtin's Dublin style.
You could win the heart of any girl,
whoever she may be,
but now I must remember:
Not all of them are free.

[C6:]Oh, Lall Tighe,
you've a rovin' eye,
you have a roguish 'mile,
your lips are blessed with Blarney,
but your courtin's Dublin style.
You could win the heart of any girl,
whoever she may be,
Yes now I must remember:
Not all of them are free.


Auf dem Rückweg von Friedrichshafen zufällig gehört und für gut befunden:

Schön, das zweite Album ist draußen. Gekauft! B)


Aktuell läuft regelmäßig die neue Linkin Park in meinem iPod...nach mehrmaligen anhören gefällt mir das Album richtig gut und es hat ein Paar sehr eingängige Songs. Guter Zeitvertreib bis Mitte des Monats das neue Langeisen von Overkill aufschlägt  :flame:
Pornos geben jungen Menschen eine falsche Vorstellung davon wie schnell man einen Termin beim Handwerker bekommt.


Nach 20 Jahren wiederentdeckt

Die Doofen Mief

Das erste Album kann man sich immer wieder anhören und ich konnte nach 20 Jahren die meisten Lieder noch singen.

Melodien für Melonen war dagegen Schrott.

I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him.


Also ich habe gerade Pink Floyd gehört. Ach ja, wie schön ist es nach 20 Jahren wieder einmal High Hopes zu hören.
20 Jahre!!!  :eek:
Mein Gott, wo ist nur die Zeit geblieben.  :(


The Division Bell ist  mein Lieblingsalbum von Pink Floyd. Lost Words ist übrigens mein Lieblingsstück.

I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him.